The Arcona Gifs Festival continues. Thanks to all authors for great videos and we'll give you 500 extra Karma points each.

02 Jun 2023, 12:24
πŸ“― The Arcona Gifs Festival continues! πŸ’₯ Thanks to all authors for great videos and we'll give you 500 extra Karma points each. @banditbann @chudnji85 @ste_funny88 Wheel of Fortune awaits you soon! πŸ”” Join the contest and send new gifs to the chat! A reminder of the rules: 🎞 Take entries up to 30 seconds through the Arcona app and convert them to gif format. 🎯 You can use the following converter to work: 🎯 Send your work to the Telegram chat by 12:00 GMT on June 9 with the tag #gif πŸŽ‰ We'll spin the Wheel of Fortune and raffle off Karma for all participants! πŸŽ‰The authors of the best gifs we'll use in the newsletter will get 500 extra Karma!